Family Updates


Brand Services
Service on a new level — 
Service on a new level — 
Service on a new level — 
Service on a new level — 

Giving loved ones peace of mind when you’re up in the air. How does the world’s most caring airline make family and friends part of the passenger’s journey?

Behind every passenger, loved ones eagerly wait to find out whether they have safely reached their destination. But, sometimes, the texts don’t arrive on time. 

KLM extended their servicing mindset beyond the passengers with Family Updates, a WhatsApp bot that keeps your loved ones informed and connected with automatic updates on your flight.

Flying is often an individual experience, yet it is pretty much a collective matter. And a big part of it is keeping loved ones in the loop on your whereabouts. While you want to update them when the plane lands, bad wifi and even worse data roaming can keep you disconnected. 

KLM understood this sentiment and wanted to spread their service to the passengers’ dearest. 

Three people dreesed up in KLM blue colours

So, we built Family Updates, an AI-powered bot that enables passengers to notify their loved ones of any changes be it departures, arrivals, or delays. All done in a WhatsApp group chat.

But arriving is only the beginning, and Family Updates wants to keep everyone connected throughout the trip. 

So, as the passenger reaches their destination, the bot will leave the group chat and everyone can continue sharing holiday snapshots and messages. Because KLM cares about every step of your travel.

Screen of mobile device showing chat with KLM

And caring got us far, with 500,000 users keeping each other updated since the launch and 71% of users continued to connect with their loved ones through the WhatsApp group. Isn’t that sweet?

Learn more
Reach out to Ivar Allema to learn more about telling engaging stories through connected experiences.
Ivar AllemaExecutive Business Director
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