The Lockdown


Employer BrandingCampaigns, Content & Social
Winning the battle for talent with virtual spy wars — 
Winning the battle for talent with virtual spy wars — 
Winning the battle for talent with virtual spy wars — 
Winning the battle for talent with virtual spy wars — 
Screencapture of a man wearing an ape mask

Winning the battle for talent with virtual spy wars. How does a bank beat cutting-edge tech companies for top IT talent?

ABN Amro was losing out to tech companies for top-tier IT hires—a small, highly competitive talent pool in the Netherlands. Its image as a traditional, conservative bank wasn’t helping, either. 

It turns out that our target audience loves three things: a challenge, a chance to prove their skills, and gaming. So we created The Lockdown: the world’s first mobile AR escape room set in the year 2028, when global finances are completely digital. 

Screencapture of a woman in the back of a car looking into the camera

This multilayered gaming experience combined 3D interactive AR, high definition film, a 360° soundscape and real-world code to catapult IT pros into the heart of the action.

Various mobile views of the ABN AMRO Lockdown game, such as an example of the AR elements in a living space and a person wearing an ape mask

Their mission: track down a rogue hacker, solve challenges in AI, info security and blockchain, and prevent a global financial catastrophe. 

By turning IT stars into spy blockbuster heroes, ABN Amro became heroes in IT recruitment with a massive 30% increase in IT hires. For the first time, ABN Amro became the country’s most popular bank for IT talent, sealing the deal as an employer that’s shaping the future of finance. 

Various mobile views of the ABN AMRO Lockdown game, such as; A woman looking straight into the camera, a special forces soldier searching a warehouse, binair codes, AR dashboards with data, collage of various screencaptures and a man wearing an ape mask.

For the first time, ABN AMRO became the country's most popular bank for IT talent, sealing the deal as an employer that's shaping the future of finance.

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Profile photo of Jeroen Thissen
Jeroen ThissenCreative Director
We are code d'azur — 
We are code d'azur — 
We are code d'azur — 
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